This is somthing that i have noticed during my time online while playing DOMO....every time i go to town there are people screaming "BUYING ULTIMATE GAMERS CARD" or "HOW DO I GET AN UGC?" well boy do i have a surprise for you.. for thoes who are wondering how all of these people are getting these ultimate gamers cards so quick, they are in fact either using money that they erned through their job irl working OR they are in fact doing surveys and offers through GPT sites and getting them for free..and then going back and reselling them for money in game or irl...

i on the other hand dont want your money or anything for this information that i DID NOT have to share with you at all...i just wanted for you all to know the truth about who your buying your card codes from.
but anyway of you decided that you loved this information and would like to either start getting your own free ultimate gamers card for free to use as you please then be my special guest and click on the banners in this post :).
also for the heads up rewards1 pays well so if you want to get the UGC quick then all you must do is do a few offers and basicaly save up 9 right..well it is and thats how alot of these players are selling like 10 game cards at a time for money, but like i said you can use the UGC as you please. :D
well ja~

i on the other hand dont want your money or anything for this information that i DID NOT have to share with you at all...i just wanted for you all to know the truth about who your buying your card codes from.
but anyway of you decided that you loved this information and would like to either start getting your own free ultimate gamers card for free to use as you please then be my special guest and click on the banners in this post :).
also for the heads up rewards1 pays well so if you want to get the UGC quick then all you must do is do a few offers and basicaly save up 9 right..well it is and thats how alot of these players are selling like 10 game cards at a time for money, but like i said you can use the UGC as you please. :D
well ja~